About us —
Our commitment
For a better future.
Our team consists of passionate and committed experts. We are passionately committed to medicine, because we’re proud to make a contribution to people’s health and well-being. With decades of experience in science, practical application, and working with patients and our international partners, we have set quality standards in the market with our products. And that is what we stand for today.

Ärzte für Afrika
The association “Die Ärzte für Afrika e.V.” has been supporting medical care in Ghana since 2007, particularly in the field of urology. The voluntary team of doctors, nursing staff, and volunteers is committed to sustainable projects such as urological operations, further training, and improving the hospital infrastructure to improve healthcare in the long term.

Arbeitskreis Benignes Prostatasyndrom
The Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) working group of the German Society of Urology is dedicated to the research, diagnosis, and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. It promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience, develops guidelines, and organizes further training and congresses to improve the medical care and quality of life of affected men.

“Spina bifida” is a congenital spinal malformation with various disabilities. The ASBH Foundation supports people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus through public relations, integration, research, and life opportunities. Goals: Improve the future, offer support, and relieve parents.

Berufsverband der Deutschen Urologie
The Berufsverband der Deutschen Urologie e.V. (BvDU) is committed to the interests of urologists in order to promote economic success through appropriate fees. The aims are also to promote cooperation between inpatient and outpatient care, to raise the profile of the profession, to increase the attractiveness of urology as a professional field, and to ensure medical freedom of choice in hospitals and practices.

C. E. Alken- Stiftung
The C. E. Alken Foundation promotes urological research, invites outstanding German-speaking scientists and clinicians to give an annual lecture, and awards the C. E. Alken Prize for outstanding scientific work and significant contributions to urology.

Dachverband der Urotherapie
The Dachvereinigung der Urotherapie e.V. is an organization dedicated to the promotion and distribution of information related to urotherapy. It supports specialists through training and certification, promotes scientific research and the development of treatment standards, and is committed to improving the care of patients with urological dysfunctions. D-A-CH Vereinigung der Urotherapie e. V. — central contact point for people seeking help, patients, and therapists.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie
The German Society of Urology (DGU) is a scientific society dedicated to the promotion of urology in research, teaching, and practice. It organizes congresses and further training and develops guidelines to improve medical care and scientific progress in the field of urology.

Deutsche Kontinenzgesellschaft
The German Continence Society was founded in 1987 to break the taboo surrounding incontinence. With almost 2,500 members, it promotes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in German-speaking countries. Goals: Education, improvement of care. Activities: Certification of centers, further training, informative materials, events.

DGU Akademie
The Academy of German Urologists offers high-quality further training for urologists. Practically relevant courses are offered through specialized, high-level measures and constant quality control. The aim is to provide sustainable support for urological work through tailored programs for residents, practicing doctors and clinicians.

Medizinische Gesellschaft für Paraplegie
The aim of the German Medical Society for Paraplegia (DMGP) is to disseminate knowledge about the comprehensive treatment of paraplegics. This is achieved by regularly organizing conferences and workshops, holding and participating in congresses and training events, and publishing scientific findings.

Fördergemeinschaft der Querschnittgelähmte Deutschland
Die Fördergemeinschaft für Querschnittsgelähmte e.V. (FGQ) unterstützt querschnittgelähmte Menschen durch Beratung, Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe und Förderung der Integration. Sie organisiert Veranstaltungen und Projekte zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität und Chancengleichheit.

Forum Urodynamicum
The purpose of the Forum Urodynamicum e.V. is to promote interdisciplinary research and further training in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of functional disorders of the urinary tract and female urology.

Friends of St. Anne’s
The Friends of St Anne’s e.V. association has been supporting St Anne’s Hospital in Liuli, Tanzania, since 2011. The aim is to improve medical care and optimize the living conditions of the staff. The Nyasa district is one of the poorest regions in the world. Donations help to supply medicines, improve hygiene, and provide medical equipment.

The German Society of Residents in Urology (GESRU) represents residents in urology training in Germany. The aim is to represent their interests at a national and European level. Further education programs, career planning, and network development are supported in cooperation with the DGU, BDU, and ESRU.

Der Grüne Punkt
The world’s first dual system for the recycling of sales packaging, organized by der Grüne Punkt, has been in operation since 1990. It exempts industry and trade from take-back and recycling duties and recycles packaging to recover raw materials.

Para Sport Gemeinschaft Halle
Para Sport Gemeinschaft Halle e.V. (psg-halle) promotes disabled sports and enables people with disabilities to take part in sports such as wheelchair basketball, swimming, and athletics. The aim is to enable participation in sporting life, break down barriers, and support inclusive sport.

PubliCare connects patients, relatives, doctors, and care services, ensuring that therapy is implemented economically and advising on the use of medical products. PubliCare creates care plans that save doctors time and ensure high-quality homecare. Highest level of expertise & heartfelt support

RBC Köln 99er’s
The RBC Köln 99er’s is a wheelchair basketball club, which, in addition to competitive and recreational sports, has a special focus on promoting young talent. By allowing the participation of non-disabled people and mixed teams of men and women, it promotes integration.

The Association of Urological Competence Centres (URO-Cert) is a quality management system of the German Society of Urology (DGU). It aims to certify and continuously improve urological practices and departments. Standardized procedures and regular reviews ensure and increase the quality of treatment and patient safety.