Devices —
for sterile lubricants

Sterile disposable applicator for extending the FARCO syringe cone.
Instillaquill® is a sterile disposable applicator for extending the syringe cone to facilitate local anesthesia during gynecological examinations. Instillaquill® allows a sterile, local anesthetic lubricant to be gently instilled into the cervical canal. Instillaquill® is ideal for use during surgical procedures or minor outpatient gynecological procedures, such as endometrial biopsy or outpatient hysteroscopy (uterine endoscopy).

- Optimum preparation for the examination
- Sterile packed
- Easy handling
Indication area*
Instillaquill® is used for
- E.g. gynecological surgical procedures, such as endometrial biopsy or outpatient hysteroscopy
- Open the Instillaquill® blister at the designated point. Insert the Instillaquill® syringe cone into the Instillaquill® adapter. Fill the Instillaquill® adapter with gel.
- Open the vagina with a speculum and introduce Instillaquill® into the cervical canal. To facilitate instillation, it may be necessary to apply atraumatic forceps to the anterior lip of the cervix to align the external cervix with the vagina. This simplifies the use of Instillaquill®.
- Insert Instillaquill® until the collar of the Instillaquill® adapter reaches the cervix.
- Insert Instillaquill® until the collar of the Instillaquill® adapter reaches the cervix. Withdraw Instillaquill® slowly. At the same time, spread the gel so that the cervical canal is covered. Remove Instillaquill® after instillation of the gel and dispose of the adapter with the used syringe.

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Instillaquill® is manufactured by CliniMed Limited, Cavell House, Knaves Beech Way, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Bucks, HSP10 9QY, UK. Phone: 01628 850100, Fax: 01628 850331. Email: [email protected], Instillagel® is a product of FARCO-PHARMA GmbH, Cologne, Germany. CliniMed Ltd is a CliniMed® Group Company.